to the Protocols of The Hague, international law ruled annexation of
land by conquest illegal as from the year 1900. However, between 1900
and 1910, the British Crown warred in southern Africa and committed
genocide of various communities in southern Africa. During these wars,
the Crown annexed the land, and established the Union of South Africa in
1910. Control of all assets in South Africa was grasped by the Crown,
and ownership of most assets of South Africa is still held by Crown
members.Independence Commission Africa is calling for an inquest into
these historical and ongoing events, claiming the return of wealth taken
illegally from the Crown treasury to the South African nation, as well
as the disbanding of the illegal system of governance, which was handed
down by succession since 1910 by the Crown, to representative puppets of
its corporation.
Consequently, we have submitted the following letter to the international courts, permanent UN councils and various organizations and individuals world wide for response, as well as created a supportive petition for our action.
Evidence to support our letter consists of 32 attachments which have been bound in book form due to their volume of more than 4000 pages and are available upon request, as mentioned in the letter. We do, however, offer the individual documents for your perusal below.
Consequently, we have submitted the following letter to the international courts, permanent UN councils and various organizations and individuals world wide for response, as well as created a supportive petition for our action.
Evidence to support our letter consists of 32 attachments which have been bound in book form due to their volume of more than 4000 pages and are available upon request, as mentioned in the letter. We do, however, offer the individual documents for your perusal below.
ICA letter to the world
Supporting Attachments of Evidence to the ICA letter to the world
to support our claim that the Union of South Africa in 1909 was
illegal, as well as every government which has been handed power in
succession since then up to and including the present government, is
presented in Attachments 1 - 30. The links to these attachments are
given below, and is followed by our Concordance which offers topics
discussed in our attachments in alphabetical order.
Please scroll through the Concordance and pick a subject you wish to investigate. Every Attachment page offers a forum on which you can comment. Your comment is welcome and will be appreciated. Thank you for caring!
Please scroll through the Concordance and pick a subject you wish to investigate. Every Attachment page offers a forum on which you can comment. Your comment is welcome and will be appreciated. Thank you for caring!
Attachment 1: Who we are /attachment-1-who-we-are.html
Attachment 2: Our Right /attachment-2-our-right.html
Attachment 3: The British Crown /attachment-3-the-crown.html
Attachment 4 The Crown is a habitual perpetrator of Human Atrocities. /attachment-4-the-crown-is-a-habitual-perpetrator-of-human-atrocities.html
5 Key Role Players in the wars against South Africans before the Union
of South Africa, including Rhodes, Smuts, Milner /attachment-5-key-role-players-in-the-wars-against-south-africans-before-the-union-of-south-africa-including-rhodes-smuts-milner.html
6 War against southern Africans and mass extermination of indigenous
tribes for the creation of the Union of South Africa /attachment-6-war-against-southern-africans-and-mass-extermination-of-indigenous-tribes-for-the-creation-of-the-union-of-south-africa.html
Attachment 6a - San and Congo, with reference to the mining corporations and Fracking in the Karoo. /attachment-6a---san-and-congo-with-reference-to-the-mining-corporations-and-fracking-in-the-karoo.html
Attachment 7 Land annexed and the colonies established by the Crown to form the Union of South Africa /attachment-7-land-annexed-and-the-colonies-established-by-the-crown-to-form-the-union-of-south-africa.html
Attachment 8 Final steps to complete the formation of the Union of South Africa for total annexation by the Crown /attachment-8-final-steps-to-complete-the-formation-of-the-union-of-south-africa-for-total-annexation-by-the-crown.html
Attachment 9 Objections to the formation of the Union of South Africa. /attachment-9-objections-to-the-formation-of-the-union-of-south-africa.html
Attachment 10 South Africa is bound as a possession by the Crown /attachment-10-south-africa-is-bound-as-a-possession-by-the-crown.html
Attachment 11 The modus operandi of the Crown /attachment-10-south-africa-is-bound-as-a-possession-by-the-crown.html
Attachment 12 Zionists supported the pre-1994 reigning NP South African government and the anti-government movement. /attachment-12-zionists-supported-the-pre-1994-reigning-np-south-african-government-and-the-anti-government-movement.html
Attachment 13 Different systems of governance /attachment-13-different-systems-of-governance.html
Attachment 14 MK soldiers /attachment-14-mk-soldiers.html
Attachment 15 The silent genocide of the Boer Nation in South Africa. /attachment-15-the-silent-genocide-of-the-boer-nation-in-south-africa.html
Attachment 15a: The silent genocide of the Boer Nation in South Africa continued. /attachment-15a-the-silent-genocide-of-the-boer-nation-in-south-africa-continued.html
Attachment 16 - House of Lords and gold fraud, terrorism /attachment-16---house-of-lords-and-gold-fraud-terrorism.html
Attachment 17 The African National Congress in government /attachment-17-the-african-national-congress-in-government.html
Attachment 18 Impact of the Union of South Africa on the nation created a select elitist ruling society /attachment-18-impact-of-the-union-of-south-africa-on-the-nation-created-a-select-elitist-ruling-society.html
Attachment 19 The right to self determination /attachment-19-the-right-to-self-determination.html
20 The Crown has kept control of the South African economy by keeping
ownership of the South African Reserve Bank and the De Beers consor /attachment-20-the-crown-has-kept-control-of-the-south-african-economy-by-keeping-ownership-of-the-south-african-reserve-bank-and-the-de-beers-consor.html
Attachment 21: Influx of Foreigners. /attachment-21---influx-of-foreigners.html
Attachment 22 Proclamation of the Peoples /attachment-22-proclamation-of-the-peoples.html
Attachment 23 The call for a Truth and Restitution Tribunal in South Africa /attachment-23-the-call-for-a-truth-and-restitutional-tribunal-in-south-africa.html
Attachment 24 War in Africa to rape her wealth by corrupt leaders. /attachment-24-war-in-africa-to-rape-her-wealth-by-corrupt-leaders.html
Attachment 25 War debts to South Africans /attachment-25---war-debts-to-south-africans.html
Attachment 26 Economic debts of the Crown to South Africans /attachment-26-economic-debts-of-the-crown-to-south-africans.html
Attachment 27 Humanitarian atrocities committed by the Crown against Southern Africans /attachment-27-humanitarian-atrocities-committed-by-the-crown-against-southern-africans.html
Attachment 28 South Africa carries an Illegal Constitution /attachment-28-south-africa-carries-an-illegal-constitution.html
Attachment 29 The Illuminati /attachment-29-the-illuminati.html
Attachment 30 - Erasure of the South African Economic Reserves /attachment-30---erasure-of-the-south-african-economic-reserves.html
All that is required for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing!
Different subjects are discussed in our Attachments which are numbered from 1 - 32. These Attachments have been put into 9 Bundles to be able to print them as books.
The Concordance lists the subjects alphabetically and shows in which Bundle the subject is discussed, for example, when looking up the word "Eskom" you will find "Eskom B.9 pg 146" which means that Eskom is discussed in Bundle 9, on page 146.
Bundle 9 is made up of 4 Attachments, namely numbers 27, 28, 29, 30.
Each Attachment has a number of pages in it. In our example of Bundle 9, on page 146, we will find page 146 is in Attachment number 27, when we look at the contents of the bundles which are as follows:
Different subjects are discussed in our Attachments which are numbered from 1 - 32. These Attachments have been put into 9 Bundles to be able to print them as books.
The Concordance lists the subjects alphabetically and shows in which Bundle the subject is discussed, for example, when looking up the word "Eskom" you will find "Eskom B.9 pg 146" which means that Eskom is discussed in Bundle 9, on page 146.
Bundle 9 is made up of 4 Attachments, namely numbers 27, 28, 29, 30.
Each Attachment has a number of pages in it. In our example of Bundle 9, on page 146, we will find page 146 is in Attachment number 27, when we look at the contents of the bundles which are as follows:
CONTENTS of Bundle 1
Attachment 1 Pg 39 Attachment 2 Pg 40 - Pg 67 Attachment 3 Pg 68 - Pg 447 |
CONTENTS of bundle 2
Attachment 4 Pg 39 - Pg 69 Attachment 5 Pg 70 - Pg 120 Attachment 6 Pg 121 - Pg 371 Attachment 6a Pg 372 - Pg 380 Attachment 7 Pg 381 - Pg 409 Attachment 8 Pg 410 - Pg 426 |
CONTENTS of bundle 3
Attachment 9 Pg 39 - Pg 122 Attachment 10 Pg 123 - Pg 426 |
CONTENTS of bundle 4
Attachment 11 Pg 40 - Pg 249 Attachment 12 Pg 250 - Pg 368 Attachment 13 Pg 369 - Pg 391 Attachment 14 Pg 392 - Pg 537 |
CONTENTS of bundle 5
Attachment 15 Pg 40 - Pg 140 |
CONTENTS of bundle 6
Attachment 15a Pg 40 - Pg 553 |
CONTENTS of bundle 7
Attachment 16 Pg 40 - Pg 46 Attachment 17 Pg 47 - Pg 285 Attachment 18 Pg 286 - Pg 419 |
CONTENTS of bundle 8
Attachment 19 Pg 39 - Pg 268 Attachment 20 Pg 269 - Pg 338 Attachment 21 Pg 339 - Pg 340 Attachment 22 Pg 341 - Pg 343 Attachment 23 Pg 344 - Pg 369 Attachment 24 Pg 370 - Pg 475 Attachment 25 Pg 476 - Pg 488 Attachment 26 Pg 489 - Pg 507 |
CONTENTS of bundle 9
Attachment 27 Pg 39 - Pg 218 Attachment 28 Pg 219 - Pg 281 Attachment 29 Pg 282 - Pg 394 Attachment 30 Pg 305 - 408 |